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COJK is pleased to announce a breakfast briefing discussing the basics of trademark law and how they apply to everyday business considerations. In making a wide variety of business decisions, whether launching a new product, developing a website, or aggressively competing for market share, applying a basic understanding of trademark law can help business protect its reputation and avoid unnecessary liability and expenses.

This breakfast briefing will address trademark law basics as they apply to three stages of a business, product, or brand name's life cycle: Searching and Clearance Opinions, Obtaining a Trademark Registration, and Enforcement of Trademark Rights. Along the way COJK attorneys will discuss the answers to questions such as:

  • What is a trademark?
  • How much can a federal trademark registration cost?
  • When should you use the ® symbol instead of the TM symbol?
  • What steps should you take before deciding on a business, product, or brand name?
  • What rules and procedures govern use of online domain names?
  • How can you stop competitors from using your trademark?

The presentation is geared toward business owners, marketing teams, financial representatives, and/or legal counsel, and will also address ethical considerations in connection with trademark issues generally.

This event was held live in our Seattle office Thursday November 10, 2011, from 7:30 a.m. to 9:00 a.m.

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