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COJK litigation attorneys John Denkenberger and Brian McMahon will present the program, “H.R. 3309: ‘The Innovation Act’ and its Likely Impact on Patent Litigation,” to members of the Vancouver, B.C. Chapter of the Licensing Executive Society. H.R. 3309, informally referred to as the Innovation Act, is pending U.S. legislation aimed at reining in the growing trend of litigations brought by non-practicing entities. The discussion will explore the contents of H.R. 3309, how its provisions will impact both substantive and procedural considerations in future patent litigations, and how to best advise clients in leveraging these considerations if patent litigation appears imminent. The program will take place on Friday, January 31, 2014 at the Vancouver, B.C. law office of Bull, Housser & Tupper LLP.

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