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COJK attorney David Sheldon will participate in the panel discussion, "Legal Issues and Intellectual Property," at the University of Washington’s WE-REACH Biomedical Innovation Bootcamp. The bootcamp is a five-week workshop where teams of academic innovators meet weekly with a panel of experts to receive guidance in advancing their business ideas from inception to product launch. The workshops will explore business-related concepts such as competitive landscape, regulatory processes, intellectual property, financing, and other legal issues. The panel discussion will take place on February 7, 2020 in Fluke Hall located on the University of Washington Campus.

WE-REACH (Washington Entrepreneurial Research Evaluation and Commercialization Hub) is a new initiative supported by the National Institutes of Health, the University of Washington, and the Institute of Translational Health Sciences designed to facilitate and accelerate the transformation of regional health research innovations into market-ready products and services that impact health outcomes.

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