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World Trademark Review named COJK and trademark attorneys Everett Fruehling, Jerry Nagae, and Melissa Nowak to the 2019 edition of WTR 1000 – The World’s Leading Trademark Professionals. The guide ranks COJK amongst the top six IP law firms for trademark law in Washington state, and remarks that the firm "has honed its trademark services over nearly nine decades; unsurprisingly, then, it delivers crisp results on every trademark filing, courtroom battle, enforcement matter and transactional negotiation." The guides also notes the collective experience of the team as a "huge comfort to in-house counsel, whether they have a particularly complex problem on their hands or just a lot of day-to-day matters to see clear."

Trademark practice group leader Everett Fruehling is recognized for his "insight and analysis on all aspects of prosecution practice." Jerry Nagae is acknowledged for his 40 years of experience in the IP space and his "finesse" in managing global IP portfolios for industry leaders. Melissa Nowak, noted for her preparation and prosecution practice, is also recognized for having a "creative flair and a deft touch in negotiations."

The WTR 1000 guide identifies leading practitioners and law firms exclusively in the trademark field in 70 key jurisdictions globally. In compiling the rankings, researchers consider information provided from law firms on their work over the past year, insight from other legal professionals, and the perspective of the clients benefiting from their work. Individuals and firms qualify for a listing on the basis of their depth of expertise, market presence, and the level of work on which they are typically instructed.

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