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Seattle University’s Public Interest Law Foundation (PILF) Summer Grant Program awarded a new class of students to serve this summer in public interest law. Law student Cameron Zangenehzadeh, the recipient of COJK’s 2016 PILF Summer Grant, is spending his summer in Washington, D.C. as an honors law clerk for the Environmental Protection Agency’s (EPA) Office of Enforcement and Compliance Assurance. Cameron will assist the team responsible for the evaluation and management of legal and regulatory issues involving criminal violations of federal environmental laws, conducting legal research on environmental enforcement, regulation, and policy, and drafting legal memoranda. He will also participate in the Clinical Legal Education Honors Program with the EPA’s National Enforcement Training Institute.

The PILF Summer Grant Program provides funding to Seattle University School of Law students who provide quality legal services to low-income and marginalized communities through unpaid summer jobs at nonprofit or public agencies. The Program is funded through a variety of sources, including student-initiated fundraising, individual donors, and law firm and institutional partners.

For more information about the program

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