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Alternative Energy & Clean Technology

Alternative Energy & Clean Technology


Industry: Alternative Energy & Clean Technology

The energy industry continues to experience rapid changes as society becomes more and more aware of conservation, pollution, and the efficient use of scarce resources.

New ways to harness and store energy are being discovered and improved upon at an amazing pace, and the innovators in this field understand the need to move quickly to protect their valuable intellectual property.

Attorneys at COJK have worked as engineers and researchers in the energy and clean-tech industries. This real-world experience provides us with a deep understanding of the challenges clean-tech companies face, and with the ability to deliver the legal counsel that is required to secure IP rights.

COJK attorneys have advised clients in a range of emerging energy technologies, including:

  • Agriculture – land management
  • Air and environment – clean up/safety, monitoring and compliance
  • Energy efficiency – lighting, power control systems, efficient buildings
  • Energy generation – biofuels, fuel cells, hydropower, nuclear, solar-thermal, solar-electric, geothermal, wind
  • Energy storage – thermal, thermochemical, flow batteries, fuel cells, compressed air energy storage, hybrid energy storage
  • Manufacturing/industrial – advanced packaging, monitoring and control systems
  • Materials – nanotechnology
  • Recycling and waste treatment
  • Transportation – logistics, nuclear fuel, vehicles/fuels
  • Water and wastewater – anaerobic treatment process, wastewater treatment

Our attorneys hold degrees in chemistry, biology, electrical engineering, computer science, and mechanical engineering, including many advanced degrees. This academic background, combined with a depth of industry experience, provides the strong technical foundation that allows us to align our clients’ intellectual property needs with the required technical and legal skills.

Specific examples of our work in the clean-tech area include:

    • Algae-based biofuel technology
    • Cellulosic and other biomass production
    • Conversion of animal fat into biodiesel
    • Development of photovoltaic cells
    • Development of synthetic enzymes for biofuels
    • Flow battery energy storage
    • Fresh water capture systems
    • Grid-scale advanced energy storage systems
    • Hybrid motors and control systems
    • Hydrogen storage fuel cells
    • Advanced internal combustion engine design
    • Methanol fuel cells
    • Nanophotonics
    • Smart power grids and efficient control systems for power stations
    • Tidal energy generator technology
    • Wind turbine blade design

    Protecting Innovation for 95 Years

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